March 3rd 2018, 7pm
Galerie an der Ruhr, Ruhrstraße 3, 45468 Mülheim a.d. Ruhr
3. – 24. March 2018
Galerie an der Ruhr, Ruhrstraße 3, 45468 Mülheim a.d. Ruhr
Öffnungszeiten: 10:30 Uhr – 12:30 Uhr or by appointment
Admission free
On March 3rd, 2018 the first big solo exhibition “DECONSTRUCTURES” of Martin Sieverding starts in the Ruhrgallery with works of the last years. Save the date!
Behind the obviously visible, other images,
realities, or secrets are hidden. In front
of Martin Sieverding’s works, the viewer,
searching, becomes an archeologist.
— Gerd Bracht
Saturday, 11.03.2017, 19 Uhr
Kunstraum am Schwanentor
Münzstraße 47 – 49, 47051 Duisburg
11.03.2017 – 25.03.2017
Mi – Fr 15 – 17 Uhr, Sa 14 – 18 Uhr, So 10 – 13 Uhr
Kunstraum am Schwanentor
Münzstraße 47 – 49, 47051 Duisburg
Samstag, 18.03.2017, 19 Uhr
Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord
Abstichhalle am Hochofen 5
I lead a life marked by winding paths, ups and downs, disruptions and upheavals. I grew up in the Ruhr Valley, a region that has gone through incomparable twists and turns, changes and transitions. The sites of our industrial heritage are just as much a source of inspiration to me as are the various contrasting cityscapes and above all the nature, all of which I encounter on my many journeys.
The images of abandonment and gradual transformation in Duisburg-Bruckhausen and in lost places like the old freight train depot, which nature is little by little again making her own, leave their mark upon my inner world and continue to make themselves felt.
In my work I seek fragments of the images that I have collected throughout my life. They lie waiting, somewhere beneath the surface. I try to find them under and within the many layers of memory. It is a process of construction and destruction. Often I find only traces, superimposed upon one another, yielding a kind of psychogram that reflects the tone of my soul and mirrors both inner and outer transformations.
Fünfzig Bilder - Fünfzig Leben
12.11.2016 – 26.10.2016
Kunstraum am Schwanentor
Münzstraße 47 – 49, 47051 Duisburg